Les Comités et Commissions jouent un rôle essentiel dans la définition des positions de l’AMAFI, sous le contrôle de son Conseil. Ces enceintes sont formées de représentants des adhérents de l’Association, ainsi que de personnalités extérieures dans certains cas. Leurs membres, souvent des responsables d’activités ou de fonctions au sein de leur établissement, apportent leur expertise et leur connaissance approfondie des domaines concernés.
Most of the documents produced by AMAFI are drafted in these forums, including industry positions prepared before regulations are drafted, as well as guides and interpretations to help members implement new rules once they have been adopted.
Commissions are established in accordance with AMAFI’s articles of association and meet under the leadership of a Chairman appointed by the Board.
Committees carry out their activities in areas of major interest for the Association. They meet regularly under the leadership of a Chairman, who is chosen from among their members. Committees may form specific working groups to tackle particular subjects, either on a permanent or ad hoc basis.
Compliance Committee
Area of responsibility: all compliance issues that members may face. It is supported by the Compliance Division (Director: Catherine Balençon).
Private Banking Compliance Committee
Area of responsibility: all compliance issues relating to private banking activities such as client protection – both professional and retail – and issues relating to the distribution of financial instruments. It is supported by the Compliance Division (Director: Catherine Balençon).
Tax Committee
Area of expertise: all current tax issues of interest to the market sector. It is supported by the Tax Division (Manager: Maguette Diouf).
Legal Affairs Committee
Areas of expertise: all legal issues that members may face. It is supported by the Legal Affairs Division (Director: Thiebald Cremers).
Corporate Finance Committee
Area of responsibility: all matters that may affect members working alongside issuers to
complete primary equity market transactions of all kinds. It is supported by the Legal Affairs Division (Director: Thiebald Cremers).
Commodities Committee
Area of responsibility: all issues that members may face as participants, trading venues
or clearing houses in relation to commodity derivatives, whether agricultural, metals or
energy (oil, gas, electricity). It is supported by the Market Activities Division (Director: Emmanuel de Fournoux).
Small and Mid-Caps Committee
Area of responsibility: all issues relating to maintaining and strengthening a favourable
ecosystem in France for market financing of small and medium-sized companies. It is supported by the Market Activities Division (Director: Emmanuel de Fournoux).
Post-Market Committee (created jointly with France Post-Marché)
Area of responsibility: all technical and regulatory issues relating to clearing, settlement
and reporting to regulators. It is supported by the Market Activities Division (Director: Emmanuel de Fournoux).
Market Structure Committee
Area of responsibility: all issues relating to market organisation and structure (equities,
bonds and derivatives), particularly as determined under the MiFID framework. It is supported by the Market Activities Division (Director: Emmanuel de Fournoux).
The Commissions
Commissions are established by the articles of association to reflect the particular attention paid by the Board to the issues they are charged with dealing with. They meet periodically under the authority of a Chairman appointed by the Board.
The European Action Commission
The Commission follows up the Association’s advocacy activities relating to legislative or regulatory measures drawn up directly or indirectly under the European institutional framework. It focuses in particular on the activities conducted in the committees and groups. The Commission was set up at the Board’s instigation to reflect the growing importance of the European institutions in determining the operating framework applicable to AMAFI members, especially in the light of Brexit’s impact in terms of reshaping Europe’s financial landscape. It is supported by the European and International Affairs Division (Director: Arnaud Eard).
The Collective Bargaining Commission
AMAFI is the signatory employers’ association of the French national collective agreement for financial markets activities (CCNM) and is recognised as such as representative of the financial markets industry.
The CNC is responsible for negotiating with unions and coordinating employment relations within the industry. It is supported by the Social Affairs Division (Director: Alexandra Lemay-Coulon).